Dolly Goodpuppy Banner

Dolly Goodpuppy Society

Pet owners often become frustrated when they encounter behaviors that they are unable to correct. Dolly Goodpuppy’s goal is to prevent the surrender of animals by educating the public and by finding forever homes for the good pups that come to them.

Creating a new identity for Dolly Goodpuppy that made clients feel the excitement of caring for a pet immediately made me think of the thick lined designs of Lance Wyman (circa 1970s). His legacy became my inspiration.

Dolly Goodpuppy Sticker Stack
Dolly Goodpuppy Concepts

Above: Examples of website sliders that were created at the time of the launch of the initial rebrand.

Dolly Goodpuppy Shirt
Dolly Goodpuppy Logomark Choices

I kept the logomark simple by using basic shapes that could easily be drawn by a child to give it universality.  

Dolly Goodpuppy is the mascot of Dolly Goodpuppy Society. Several mascot marks were created, with frisbee, without frisbee and the alternative halo in mouth. The logo mark that stuck was the one with the halo in her mouth. Despite any mischief (like grabbing her own halo and using it as a chew), Dolly remains a good pup.