Hero Worship II

The sequel to 2019's exhibit is simply Hero Worship II. 2023's presentation relied more heavily on pop-culture figures. All works were created with fountain pen and colored digitally. Reception was held February 4, 2023 on the second floor at Lowe Mill Arts & Entertainment.

Image from Exhibit Installation
Superman Illustration
Image of Patron Viewing Show

Artist's Statement

The most fascinating thing that I can draw is the human face. Sometimes my portraits are loose and gestural, and other times they are more detailed and refined. I begin with quick pencil sketches, then replicate the work with brush pens and finally color the work digitally. 

Many of the portraits are of fictional characters whom I idolized from television or movies while others are real people who inspired me through their own art or vision for a better world.

Illustration of Michael Keaton as Batman
Image from Exhibit Installation
George Lucas Thumbnail Image
Illustration of George Harrison
Illustration of Conan the Librarian
Illustration of Tommy Lee Jones