Hero Worship II

The sequel to 2019's exhibit is simply Hero Worship II. 2023's presentation relied more heavily on pop-culture figures. All works were created with fountain pen and colored digitally. Reception was held February 4, 2023 on the second floor at Lowe Mill Arts & Entertainment.

Image from Exhibit Installation
Superman Illustration
Image of Patron Viewing Show

Artist's Statement

The most fascinating thing that I can draw is the human face. Sometimes my portraits are loose and gestural, and other times they are more detailed and refined. I begin with quick pencil sketches, then replicate the work with brush pens and finally color the work digitally. 

Many of the portraits are of fictional characters whom I idolized from television or movies while others are real people who inspired me through their own art or vision for a better world.

Illustration of Michael Keaton as Batman
Image from Exhibit Installation
George Lucas Thumbnail Image
Illustration of George Harrison
Illustration of Conan the Librarian
Tommy Lee Jones Illustration
Illustration of Michael Stipe

Fun Note: My portrait of Michael Stipe from R.E.M. was shared on his IG account!